Grass Painter Documentation
Grass Painter 1.2.3
Grass Painting Panel​
Grass Painting panel found in the side menu in the 3D viewport.
You must select a mesh object before pressing "Add Grass Paint To Object"
Add Grass Paint To Object
Update Collections For Object
Object ID
Imports and assigns the node trees, materials and modifiers
Updates the instancing to acknowledge some of the changes in the Grass Object collection.
Displays the numbers that will appear on the names of duplicate node trees, collections and modifiers. Do not delete the duplicates. They are assigned to the object with the same number (Object ID) A value of 0 means the object corresponds to the first grass paint that was added. (Not duplicates)
Soil Material​
Default soil material. May not automatically apply to your mesh. If not, select all your vertices in edit mode and click assign in the material properties window.​​​​​
Grass Material​
Grass instancing is set to this material by default.
Made to be as close to nature as possible.
Earth-based properties.​​​​​
Grass Colour 1
Grass Colour 2
One of two colours controlling the base colour. Dead grass is not controllable and follows natural earth-based principles.
Second of two colours controlling the base colour. Dead grass is not controllable and follows natural earth-based principles.
Grass_Alien Material​
Set Grass instancing to this material with the "Alien?" tickbox in the grass instancing modifier.
Default settings are set to earth-like properties.
Can be adjusted to forgo the constraints of earthborn matter.​​​​​
Grass Colour 1
​​Grass Colour 2
Photosynthesis Agent Colour
One of two colours controlling the base colour.
Second of two colours controlling the base colour.
Changes the colour of the alien photosynthesising agent. Earth's would be chlorophyll.
Enables or disables the use of controlled pigments. Enable for more physically accurate results. Disable for no control over the dead grass. Often gives exotic-looking results.
Control over the stability of custom alien pigments.
Order by the presence of pigments in your grass.​ (Pigments close in colour to the "Grass Colour 1" or "Grass Colour 2" should be at the top, as they are so abundant they make up most of the colour.)
Only use custom pigments that are present in your grass.​​​​
Pigment 1 Hue
Pigment 1 Stability​​
Pigment 2 Hue
Pigment 2 Stability
Use Pigment 3
Pigment 3 Hue
Controls the hue of the most present custom pigment when the grass is alive. Unless "Pigment 1 Stability" is 0, set this to a colour with the hue of "Grass Colour 1".
The length of time the pigment lasts in the grass after the grass starts to die.
Controls the hue of the second most present custom pigment when the grass is alive. Unless "Pigment 2 Stability" is 0 or your "Grass Colour 2" is very similar in hue to your "Grass Colour 1", set this to a colour with the hue of "Grass Colour 2".
The length of time the pigment lasts in the grass after the grass starts to die.
Enables or disables the use of a third pigment.
If "Use Pigment 3" is enabled, controls the hue of the third most present custom pigment when the grass alive.
Grass_Instancing Modifier​
Density Max
Minimum Scale
​​​​​Maximum Scale
​Rotation Variation
Controls the maximum density of the grass.
Changes the random seed of the grass.
Controls the minimum scale of the grass.
Controls the maximum scale of the grass.
Controls the amount of variation in the rotation of the grass. Dead grass around a no grass patch will already be rotated to be more flat.
Controls which material is used for the grass. Tick to use "Grass_Alien".
Grass Objects
​Collections that store the grass objects used for instancing for each grass paint iteration.
Each duplicate collection has an ID. This will match the ID of the object emitting the grass (found in the Grass Painting panel)
You can add and remove grass objects from the collections, but you must always have an object beginning with "Grass Object" and an object beginning with "Green Grass Object". You must also name any new objects with the beginning "Grass Object" or "Green Grass Object", followed by "Ribbed" or nothing, then the number, then followed by the object ID if it is not 0.
Make sure to unwrap your UVs!
Grass Object​​
Grass Object Ribbed
Green Grass Object
Green Grass Object Ribbed
A grass object with tiny noisy bumps that is instanced in all areas of the grass.
A grass object with tiny ribbed bumps that is instanced in all areas of the grass.
​A grass object with tiny noisy bumps that is only instanced in the thriving areas of the grass (alive areas). It does not have to be green.
A grass object with tiny ribbed bumps that is only instanced in the thriving areas of the grass (alive areas). It does not have to be green.
Vertex Painting
Make sure you have a subdivided mesh.
A vertex color layer will automatically be created when you add Grass Painting to your object.